The Artist
“Moore, How far were you saying I could push the planes, the positive negative space?” “Push the form to the edge but don’t ignore the human experience!”
“Brancusi — Simplicity?” –”Yes!”
I learned from all your voices to combine the way I see in a cubistic-geometric way with a recognizable sense of humanity while pushing towards abstraction – in essence, to combine figurative and abstract without losing the human emotion so as to capture movement in stillness.
I see the emotion in form, the hard lines, the curves and allow them to carry the human condition through and around those negative, positive spaces I am concerned, as I think Rodin, Moore, and Brancusi were, with the fine line between the individual and humanity and how to achieve this without succumbing to sentimentality. This is one of the great puzzles figurative sculptors face. My approach is to let the form carry the emotion. This is not often undertaken in abstract contemporary sculpture today, at least in terms of love, kindness and beauty.

She is now pursuing new creative works with Alan Osborne, owner of the Art Foundry and Gallery – one of Northern California’s premier bronze foundries.
Shray intensively studied the work of Rodin in Paris and her simplicity of form has been compared that of Henry Moore, Rodin and Brancusi. Over the last fifteen years Shray’s sculpture has received both national and international recognition in the form of awards and commissions. She is represented in galleries throughout the United States and is collected and exhibited internationally.
Shray’s bronze sculpture is constantly evolving. Over the last fifteen years, Shray’s sculptures have received both national and international recognition in the form of awards and commissions.
This celebrated sculptor is represented in galleries throughout the United States and is collected internationally.
In order to capture the human emotions she strives for, Shray works full time in her Northern California studio.
She shares her life with husband, Neal, a writer and historian.

View photos of my visit to the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco to sketch the works of Rodin.
The museum houses one of the largest collections of Rodin works outside of Paris.
This was a photoshoot for an article soon to be published in “Luxury Living” magazine.
It always takes more than just the effort of one to create something.
I want to thank all of the people who have helped me. Alan Osborne (foundry owner and artist), Bronzestone Granite (granite base supplier), Mark Schuler ProDesign (graphic designer), James Hart (505) 983-7945 (bronze photographer), Devin Bruce (photographer), and Marje Cannon (web site designer). View web sites linked to Shray Bronze.

At 15, I discovered Winged Victory. Right then I knew I had to become a sculptor.
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